
Hello, brunch! This is the bees knees of french toast combinations! Inspired by past travels and adventures in Japan - This classic french toast recipe is paired with an Ayurvedic herb, ashwagandha powder (totally optional), in a sweet lemon mascarpone compote. YUM! Simple and quick to make, ready to enjoy in 20 minutes. Read more about ashwagandha here and make the recipe below…

Compassionate french toast

Compassionate french toast

I’ve included the six tastes in this recipe and love incorporating all of them as often as possible when cooking. In Ayurveda, doing so can support in satiating appetite when you’re full.

I personally love ashwagandha for its support in calming the mind, restful sleep, and combating stress. With a bitter, sweet, and astringent taste that transports me right back to Hiwasa, Japan and the slightly similar taste and smell of matcha, green tea. Read more about Hiwasa below…

Hiwasa, JP dock and Pacific Ocean

Hiwasa, JP dock and Pacific Ocean

Shrine, Hiwasa, JP

Shrine, Hiwasa, JP

Hiwasa, a city along the coast line of Shikoku Island, Japan. Here, I visited for two days while trekking the Shikoku 88 temple pilgrimage. Combining my passion for cooking and travel, I prepared Matcha french toast in the communal kitchen at my accommodation before exploring the city by foot. A quick walk from Ichi the Hostel to Yakuo-ji temple 23, the Pacific Ocean and a lovely beach, restaurants, market, and onsen (Japanese hot spring and bathing facility).

Making matcha french toast in Hiwasa, Japan.

Making matcha french toast in Hiwasa, Japan.

This recipe helps remind me to have compassion for myself and others. I like to think that we are all trying our best. That suffering is part of the human condition and that we don’t have to suffer alone. We can lean on one another, support one another, uplift one another.

And, feeling curious about what an interdependent community does or could look like?

Learning about Honne, continuously and while I was traveling in Japan, a Japanese social term, for one’s true feelings and desires not commonly expressed in a social or group setting outside of family. Bringing curiosity to ways in which we can rely on one another within our own communal structures that then weaves a larger net of strength and dependability within and without.

A reminder to be authentic, honest, and integrous everyday. To show up in this with way with humility and vulnerability in community and to courageously stand up and speak up for others.

I’m loving this Jungle album, Loving in Stereo, while making this recipe!


Serves 2

Prep: 5 min

Cook: 20 min

Total: 25 min

Organic ingredients

Mise en place: ingredients, small and medium bowls, large pan/skillet, measuring spoons, whisk and spoon, spatula, grater/microplane, cutting board, knife

Compassionate Ashwagandha French Toast

  • 4 Eggs

  • 4 Brioche slices

  • 1 tsp Cinnamon, ground

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 4 TBS Mascarpone cheese

  • 1/2 tsp Ashwagandha Powder (optional)

  • 0.5 oz Lemon juice or 1/2 a Lemon squeezed

  • 1/2 tsp Lemon zest

  • Ichimi Togarashi Japanese chili pepper (optional)

  • Maple Syrup

  • Butter/ Coconut oil / Ghee

  • Cardamom powder


  1. First, zest 1/2 tsp of lemon rind for garnish and set aside. Then, mix together mascarpone cheese, ashwagandha powder, and lemon juice in small bowl.

  2. Whisk together eggs, cinnamon, and salt in medium sized bowl.

  3. Heat maple syrup over low in a small pot until simmering, then remove from heat.

  4. Heat large skillet over medium-high with enough coconut oil to coat bottom of pan.

  5. Dip brioche slices individually into egg wash, then, onto heated skillet. Lower heat to med-low. Cook both sides for about five minutes total or until egg wash has cooked and toast is golden brown. Repeating this step for all slices.

  6. Then, butter/oil, slice and plate the french toast with a dollop of the sweet mascarpone mix on each slice, and a dusting of cardamom, lemon zest, and ichicmi togarashi Japanese chili pepper before enjoying with warm maple syrup!

french toast chili pepper.jpg

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