Rejuvenating Ayurvedic Elixir

Sip on this Ayurvedically-inspired elixir with optional Shatavari Powder. Delicious before bed with Ayurvedic Shatavari Powder supporting mental and physical digestion of the day. Simple to make and easy to omit ingredients to enjoy as a vegan, vegetarian, and dairy-free elixir. See recipe below…

Rejuvenating Herbal Milk paired with an Elevate Cacao Chip Cookie (see recipe below).

Rejuvenating Herbal Milk paired with an Elevate Cacao Chip Cookie (see recipe above).

I invite you to pair this elixir with a few bites of something bitter, like a GF + Vegan Elevate Cacao Chip Cookie.


Shatavari, Asparagus Racemosus plant is related to the asparagus family and native to India. The leaves and roots are used in Ayurvedic medicine as a rejuvenating herb that supports a healthy immune system. Banyan Botanicals notes, it strengthens and nourishes tissues, aids in physical and mental digestion; promoting love and devotion.

How to Make

Gather the ingredients- your favorite mug, small sauce pan, almonds / store bought alternative milk, date, spices, sweetner, blender, wooden spoon for stirring, ghee / coconut oil.

Wash your hands.

Set the mood - I invite you to inhale deep into your belly three times. Visualize a plant or tree roots sprouting from the bottom of your feet and into the floor beneath you and into the soil.



As you’ll see below in the recipe, possibly new ways of measuring you might be unfamiliar with. What’s the difference between these old school measuring techniques; dash, pinch, and a smidgen? A dash is 1/8 tsp, pinch is 1/16 tsp, and a smidgen is 1/32 tsp. Not required to measure, unless your heart desires.

Homemade Almond Milk

Begin by soaking almonds the night before you want make and enjoy this recipe. Next day, you’re ready to make almond milk, strain first! Then, add 16oz / two cups of water to blender, almonds, and date. Blend on high until smooth, strain through fine mesh strainer.


Refrigerate and enjoy in 2-3 days.


Heating homemade almond mlk, spices, and herbs in small sauce pot on stove.


Next, add all ingredients to a small pot, heat over med-low heat until vapors rise from milk. Remove from heat. Lastly, whisk and pour into your favorite mug.


Makes 1 Serving

8 oz

Prep : 5 min

Heat : 5 min

Total : 10 min (+8hrs for homemade nut-milk)

Organic ingredients

Rejuvenating Ayurvedic Elixir

  • 1/2 tsp Shatavari Powder, optional

  • 1/8 tsp ground Cinnamon

  • Pinch of Nutmeg, ground

  • Dash of ground Cardamom

  • Pinch of Natural Mineral Salt

  • 1/2 TBS Honey or Maple Syrup

  • 1 tsp Ghee or Coconut oil for Vegan

  • 1 Cup homemade / store bought almond or macadamia milk

  • For homemade almond milk:

    • 1 medjool date, pitted

    • 1/4 C almonds

    • 2 C water

Directions for Rejuvenating Ayurvedic Elixir

  1. Add all ingredients into small sauce pan.

  2. Heat until vapors rise, then remove.

  3. Whisk until combined.

  4. Pour into your favorite mug and enjoy!

Directions for Homemade Almond Milk

  1. Soak almonds and date in enough water to cover up to eight hours or overnight.

  2. Strain almonds and date, add to blender, add 8oz of water and blend on high until smooth.

  3. Strain almond milk through a fine mesh metal strainer and/or nut bag.

Nutrition facts as vegan, with coconut oil and maple syrup, and w/o Shatavari.

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