
I continue to be inspired by different types of cabbage because they are so fun to cook, and add a pop of color to dishes, like the beautiful purple cabbage in this recipe! With their slightly bitter sweet tastes and fun texture to enjoy cooked or raw. Paul Pitchford notes in his book, Healing with Whole Foods, that Cabbage has more vitamin C than oranges! (pg. 528)

Pair this cabbage with a zesty cilantro coconut chutney and quinoa + basmati rice to create a meal!

When I’m cooking and creating recipes I think about these elements to enhance the food I’m making that support my body. Cabbage, also, takes on other flavors from herbs and spices creating versatility and a level of nuance in a variety of dishes, roasting it with other vegetables, in soup, and on its own with herbs. This recipe is Ayurvedically-inspired, vegan, nut and gluten-free, with bitter, salty, sweet, and slightly pungent tastes. See recipe below…

First, I begin with an Ayurveda practice before cooking that I love, helping to keep past, present, or future worries and thoughts from being cooked in or stirred into the food. To ground me into the moment before gathering the ingredients to have everything in arms reach. I close my eyes and take a few rounds of deep breaths.

One of my favorite weekly past times on the Banyan Botanicals farm, weeding Bhringaraj. Photo Courtesy, Banyan Botanicals.

One of my favorite weekly past times on the Banyan Botanicals farm, weeding Bhringaraj. Photo Courtesy, Banyan Botanicals.

This recipe is inspired by dear friends and our time spent harvesting cabbage, cooking and enjoying meals together with cabbage, while attending Banyan Botanicals Living Ayurveda Internship Program.

Loving and listening to this soulful and jazz filled mix while writing this.


Serves 4

Prep : 15 min

Cook : 20 min

Total : 35 min

Organic ingredients

Mise en place - cutting board, knife, cabbage, brown mustard seeds, turmeric, amino acids, oil, s&p, dates, turmeric powder, baking pan, tongs.

Roasted Purple Cabbage

Roasted purple cabbage

Roasted purple cabbage


  1. Heat oven to 375.

  2. Next, slice the medium cabbage in half. Store the other half in the fridge. I like to cut the cabbage in half length wise from the center of the stem to the top of the cabbage. Now, trim the top of the cabbage 1/4” thin and into 1/4” slices. Continuing 1/4” slices until I get to the core. Triming the cabbage around the core, optional, save and freeze for future vegetable stock or compost if possible.

  3. Add, cabbage to roasting/baking pan, oil, s&p dusting, turmeric, brown mustard seeds, and amino acids. Mix until all ingredients are equally incorporated. Taste, adding more s&p if needed.

  4. Bake for 20 minutes on middle rack. After 10 minutes, I remove and toss cabbage for even roasting. Then return to oven cooking for another 10 minutes. I like to allow cabbage to rest and cool for a few minutes before enjoying.

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