
I love this simple lemon rose water because it brightens my day, connects me to nature through the radiant rose petals and lemon, and helps me stay hydrated! I love flowers and adding them to my water, enjoying them in tea, or in my home. They bring fresh radiant energy into my body and space, connecting me to the beauty and joy of life.

Connecting to the Roses and asking permission if I may forage their petals.

Connecting to the Roses and asking permission if I may forage their petals.

Roses are one of the most well known flowers. During their flowering season, late spring and early summer in the SW PNW, they are vibrant and smell wonderful. They also remind me with their prickly thorns to check in with myself and personal boundaries. Am I staying centered in myself, values, and intention with what is showing up outside of me? If not, how can I make different choices that realign me with my truth?

Fresh lemon slices for water.

Fresh lemon slices for water.

First, I begin with an Ayurveda practice before cooking that I love, helping to keep past, present, or future worries and thoughts from being cooked in or stirred into the food. To ground me into the moment before gathering the ingredients. I close my eyes and take a few deep belly breaths.

radiant lemon rose water.jpg


Organic ingredients

Lemon Rose Water

  • 1/4 cup fresh rose petals, washed. Or, 3 TBS dried rose petals.

  • 1 lemon, sliced into 1/4in rounds

  • pinch of natural sea salt

  • splash of maple syrup

  • 4 quarts spring water / filtered water


  1. Fill large pitcher with water.

  2. Add rose petals, lemon, natural sea salt and maple syrup. Stirring 3x.

  3. For a cooler day I leave the pitcher on the counter to infuse for at least thirty minutes.

  4. For a hot Summer day I like to refrigerate for two hours or until cold. Stir then strain (optional).

  5. If I want to enjoy it sooner I fill the pitcher half way with ice first, pouring water over ice, and adding rest of ingredients. Strain (optional). Sometimes I like the roses and lemon to mingle in my glass. Other times I like to strain it if Iā€™m using a smaller vessel and pouring from a pitcher versus spout where the water flows from the bottom out of a spigot. Enjoy!

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