
I love this gentle miso soup recipe because it’s simple to make, easy to digest, nourishing, and gentle on my belly. Transporting me to days trekking in Japan and the simplicity of being each day - breathing, loving, eating, walking, praying, sleeping. I enjoy sipping it before breakfast, as an appetizer / soup before lunch or dinner, and as a simple plant based meal. See recipe below…

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First, I begin with an Ayurveda practice before cooking that I love, helping to keep past, present, or future worries and thoughts from being cooked in or stirred into the food. To ground me into the moment before gathering the ingredients to have everything in arms reach. I close my eyes and take a few rounds of deep breaths.

Then, weighing and preparing the broth, miso, ginger, tofu and baby bok choy. If you’d like to enjoy a bowl of sushi rice with this meal (optional) begin preparing that next. Recipe link for how to cook rice here.

Miso paste and ginger in vegetable broth

Miso paste and ginger in vegetable broth

Heat the vegetable broth and water in a large pot over med-high heat. Once simmering, reduce to low and add ginger, miso paste, and shoyu. Whisking the miso paste until blended with the broth.

Baby bok choy cooking in vegetable broth with miso and ginger.

Baby bok choy cooking in vegetable broth with miso and ginger.

Now, place the two baby bok choy fourths into miso broth for five minutes or until fork tender. Remove and lay aside to enjoy individually or add back into miso soup after bowling. If enjoying bok choy on its own, plate and sprinkle with sesame seeds and salt.


Next, add the wakame and tofu, cooking over low-heat simmering for five minutes. Remove from heat, add more shoyu here if needed and then bowl, add baby bok choy back to soup if preferred, sprinkle with natural sea salt, green onion and sesame seeds. Enjoy!

I’m loving this mix, Sasha Marie is one of my favorite dj’s, her mixing style is unique, eclectic and worldly. I invite you to give it a listen! I really enjoyed listening to this mix while cooking and enjoying this meal.


Serves 2

Prep : 15 min

Cook : 15 min

Total : 30 min

Organic ingredients

Gather : Large pot, baby bok choy, fresh ginger, tofu, wakame, cutting board, knife, liquid measure and spoons, miso, vegetable broth / dashi, green onion, sesame seeds (optional).

Gentle Miso Soup

  • 2 C Warming Vegetable Broth / Simple Vegetable Broth / store bought Vegetable Broth / Dashi (follow packet instructions)

  • 2 C Water

  • 1/4 tsp Ginger - minced/finely grated

  • 1.25 oz / 2.5 TBS - white Miso paste or a blend of red and white

  • 2 Baby Bok Choy - fourthed

  • 0.14 oz Wakame seaweed

  • 7 oz Tofu - cubed

  • 1/4 tsp / to taste - Shoyu Japanese soy sauce

  • 1 Green onion - 1/8in sliced rounds, (optional garnish for rice and soup)

  • Sesame seeds (optional garnish)

  • Natural sea salt

  • 1 C Sushi / Calrose rice


  1. Breathe check-in and grounding, optional, three deep nose/mouth inhales and exhales. Close your eyes, visualize roots sprouting out of the bottom of your feet and going down through the floor and levels of the building you’re in and rooting into the Earth. Then, open your eyes and lets begin!

  2. Optional if you want rice - first, prepare and cook rice. See directions here.

  3. Then, heat the vegetable broth and water in a large pot over med-high heat. Once simmering, reduce to low adding the ginger, miso paste, and shoyu. Whisking the miso paste until blended with the broth.

  4. Now, place the two baby bok choy fourths into miso broth for five minutes or until fork tender. Remove and lay aside to enjoy individually or add back into miso soup after bowling. If enjoying bok choy on its own, plate and sprinkle with sesame seeds and salt.

  5. Next, add the wakame and tofu, cooking over low-heat simmering for five minutes. Remove from heat, add more shoyu here if needed and then bowl, add baby bok choy back to soup if preferred, sprinkle with natural sea salt, green onion and sesame seeds. Enjoy!

Curious about other ingredients and recipes? Search elixir recipes above; please leave kind comments below!