
I’m loving this super simple lemon arugula salad so much this spring! It’s very versatile, adding a spicy acidic bitter taste to compliment the open-hearted risotto, invigorated brunch bowl, and trusting walnut nettle pesto pasta recipes. Plus, it’s totally enjoyable on its own as a delicious salad, bringing those tastes above to pair with other dishes and balance out flavors. Bitter greens are a lovely compliment to aid in digestion to heavier dishes like risotto, pasta, and pizza. I remember the first time I learned this while studying the fundamentals of Ayurveda and food combining through Banyan Botanicals. The simple combination of bitter greens has kept my gut feeling happy, when eating meals that are primarily gluten, countless times since! See recipe below…

First, I begin with an Ayurveda practice before cooking that I love, helping to keep past, present, or future worries and thoughts from being cooked in or stirred into the food. To ground me into the moment before gathering the ingredients. I close my eyes and take a few deep belly breaths. Then, gather all the ingredients and wash my hands.

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Makes 1 medium size salad / 2 small salads

Prep: 3 min

Make: 7 min

Total : 8 min

Organic ingredients

Mise en Place : medium bowl, lemon, s&p, scale (optional), arugula, EVOO.

Open Simple Arugula Lemon Salad

  • 2 oz Arugula

  • 0.50 oz Lemon juice, or 1/2 lemon juiced

  • Salt and Pepper, to taste

  • 2 tsp EVOO


  1. Add all ingredients into small bowl.

  2. Toss gently. Taste. Add more lemon, salt, pepper, EVOO here if needed.

  3. Let salad rest and flavors to marry for at least five minutes. If possible, store in fridge to keep crisp. Enjoy!

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