Elixirs for Body, Mind, and Soul


The story continued, as I write this my senses are attuning to the smell of fire, and my memories with family and friends sitting around a fire toasting marshmallows and making s’mores sparked. Gazing into a fires flame amongst nature and its inherent wildness brings a serene sense to my body and mind. A dynamic and ranging spectrum of energy, heat, mirroring internally and externally. The outer flame of the fire that toasts the marshmallow and inner gut flame that digests it.

Each day being a unique experience of tending the inner flame with different foods and how my body responds to them through varying energy levels. I believe plants and animals are as individual as humans are, consisting of their own unique energetic signatures, and that different foods can strengthen or weaken the physical, mental, and energetic bodies.

I’ve started reducing the amount of highly processed foods, cane sugar and corn syrup I consume daily because I recognized myself feeling tired consistently after eating these foods. Then I would eat something else in one of those categories that would continue the cycle. I was wanting to feel happy, alive, and energetic. I didn’t realize these foods were affecting me until I started making other choices, small changes like maple syrup in my coffee, honey in my tea, dates in my oatmeal. If you know my sweet sugary past, you know how much I loved sugar, and I still do. I think it’s about finding our own balance in what works best and what doesn’t individually. I still have my vices though and S’mores are one of them and why I made the Serene S’more recipe.

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