Elixirs for Body, Mind, and Soul
Vinyl at Sweedeedee Portland, OR

Vinyl at Sweedeedee Portland, OR


Music is an important ingredient to my life, for more reasons I can write here. Simply said, I love how it can transport me to a memory, evoke emotion, and create memorable experiences. Throughout the pandemic music has been empathy for my body, mind and soul. These sets and tracks are some of my favorite compilation of artists and DJ’s, I enjoy listening to and to enhance the already incredible experience of life.

Follow me on Soundcloud for more music pairings!

Mostly instrumental with lots of bass. I really enjoy watching the sunset while listening to this mix!

Relaxing and meditative.

One of my favorite mixes to dance to while cooking!

This mix is by my DJ friend who, “always enjoyed making mixes because it’s a set that (he) doesn’t have to be concerned with keeping people dancing. Also, (he) love(s) that they mark a stamp in time and get plays globally”.

- Mr Wu

I find myself listening to this when I want something slower and downtemp, reflecting the title.

Fun daytime set, international and eclectic sounds with a mix of instrumentals and vocals throughout.

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