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Now that it’s warmer out I’ve been excited about raw foods again! Like, this delicious and lively simple salad with fresh SPRING lettuce, feta mixed with capers, fresh thyme, and green onion. All mixed or layered together with carrot, cabbage, and homemade honey mustard dressing!

I’ve realized recently that I appreciate eating raw foods in late Spring, Summer, and early Fall. Otherwise, my gut doesn’t enjoy digesting them because it’s too much raw and cold food. I love this recipe because it’s very easy to make and intentionally balanced. Intuitively prepared with sweet, sour, salty, pungent, and astringent tastes. See recipe below…

feta cheese mixed with green onion, capers, and fresh thyme.

First, I begin with an Ayurveda practice before cooking that I love, helping to keep past, present, or future worries and thoughts from being cooked in or stirred into the food. To ground me into the moment before gathering the ingredients. I close my eyes and take a few deep belly breaths. Then, gather the ingredients and wash my hands.

fresh spring lettuce rinsed and draining

Now, I rinse and drain the lettuce and vegetables. Then, peel and slice the cabbage.

peeled carrot slices and thinly sliced cabbage

Next, I combine the feta with green onion, fresh thyme leaves, capers, and splash of EVOO in a small bowl. Then, make honey mustard dressing. Whisking honey, stone ground mustard, EVOO, salt and pepper together. Adjust flavors if needed. Finally, tearing lettuce into bite size pieces and drizzling/tossing honey mustard dressing over/with lettuce, topping with cabbage and carrots, and feta mix to enjoy!


prep: 10 min

total: 15 min

gather: two small bowls, cutting board, vegetable peeler, colander, knife, whisk, spoon and fork, ingredients.

Lively Salad

  • local spring mix

  • carrot, thinly sliced with vegetable peeler

  • purple cabbage, thinly sliced

  • feta cheese

  • capers

  • green onion

  • honey

  • salt and pepper

  • stone ground mustard

  • EVOO


  1. first, wash and drain vegetables.

  2. In a small bowl whisk together mustard, evoo, honey, salt and pepper. Taste, adjust flavors if needed.

  3. now, tear lettuce into bite sized pieces. Thinly slice cabbage, green onion, and with a vegetable peeler slice carrot on a cutting board.

  4. next, add green onion, feta, and capers to a small bowl and mix.

  5. lastly, add greens to plate and layer with carrots, cabbage, feta mix, and a drizzle of honey mustard dressing. enjoy!

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