Elixirs for Body, Mind, and Soul

Hi! Welcome to Honne Elixirs!

Lady Bird here, a passionate foodie and traveler. Sharing delicious Honne (like, honey!), ‘authentic sound’ in Japanese, vegan and vegetarian elixir recipes, travels and music.

Learning about different cultures and their unique ways of being, food, and plants that bring those and our community together inspire my travels.

You’ll often find me in the kitchen dancing to a favorite mix or playlist while cooking. Read more about me below.


This Week's Recipe >

This Week's Recipe >

Basmati Rice and Mung Dal Kitchari

Support your belly and to-do list with a simple, gently cleansing, and nourishing pot of Kitchari.

Want recipe inspiration? Check out our curated elixir menus.



My passion for cooking began in Jr. High school. And, somehow I knew then what I wanted to master for part of my life. Serving and preparing food and beverage, in professional kitchens and restaurants for the past sixteen years, has helped me master the art of hospitality and food. With a proficiency in Culinary Arts to lay the foundation for the healthy, simple, vegan and vegetarian recipes, inspired by my adventures and travels, that I share with you here.

Choosing travel experiences as a priority in my life, I am most inspired by the Japanese culture at the moment. And, look forward to returning to finish the oldest Buddhist pilgrimage I began in March 2020. Walking to 26 of 88 temples on Shikoku Island, JP.

Studying the fundamentals of Ayurveda, Farming, and Herbalism first hand through Banyan Botanicals LAI program, changed my ways of being; establishing a deeper relationship with myself and food. Impacting how I was professionally taught and considered cooking and enjoying food. That is now, connected and wholesome.

While working each day on making new choices that support food sovereignty personally and in the community. Such as shopping at farmers markets to purchase local and seasonal fruits and vegetables grown and tended by local farmers.

What is food sovereignty?

“Food sovereignty is the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems. It puts the aspirations and needs of those who produce, distribute and consume food at the heart of food systems and policies rather than the demands of markets and corporations.”

Declaration of Nyéléni, the first global forum on food sovereignty, Mali, 2007


honne |huhn-ne|

A Japanese social term meaning ones authentic sound, what someone truly thinks, opinion, feelings and desires, as I understand it.

Honne, is one of two important concepts in Japanese culture. Tatemae, is the second, and is what’s socially accepted or not in public. It’s the ‘mask’ one wears, so to speak, to avoid hurting one’s feelings.

The group or society is more important than the individual in Japan. A cultural difference and way of maintaining relationships.